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Many thanks for your interest in Spifox Too and in particular as to how we distribute funding.


Spifox Too is a charity organisation raising money for children's charities in Scotland. Established in 1998 as an offshoot of the Spifox committee, Spifox Too aims to raise money through hosting networking events in Edinburgh and Glasgow bi-annually for the property industry in Central Scotland. Spifox Too depends upon the continuing support of the property industry for its fundraising, both through support for its events and sponsorship.


Our fundraising enables beneficiaries to either purchase equipment and/or to provide facilities to assist them in better performing their function of care and support.


SPIFOX Too is part of SPIFOX, also known as the Scottish Property Industry Festival of Christmas, a registered Scottish Charity No. SC20660

Our Criteria for making an application - please read

Our principal purpose is the donation of cash sums to specific capital projects, these projects being undertaken by Registered Charities (ideally in Scotland) specifically for the benefit of kids in Scotland.


We also seek our contribution to be “identifiable”; by that we mean if our donation is to be part of a general appeal then our funding should be used for a specific purpose therein. For example, this could be for fitting out works, equipment provision, relevant IT or specific elements within a larger project.


All applications must be by a registered charity, for the benefit of disadvantaged children or young adults in Scotland, and in respect of the purchase of a capital item. 


It is not generally our policy to contribute to revenue or administrative needs, this having become our established practice from when the Spifox charity was established in 1983.


If you think that your application may qualify under our criteria, please then complete our Application Form.  


After receiving your application, we will get in touch to discuss the Project/Cause to be supported, and in turn this will be considered by our Beneficiaries Sub-Committee at its next meeting.


The timing, details and amounts requested will then, if approved by the Sub-Committee, we will either confirm if we can support immediately or through fund raising at one of our future events.


The criteria that we apply to all projects are outlined below and are updated periodically. Please ensure that you have read the criteria and confirm that you are eligible.


The current criteria as of May 2024:


1. Explanatory/ Procedural Information


The following process is applied to all projects:


  • Completed application received and assessed by our Beneficiaries Sub-Committee,

  • If approved by our Beneficiaries Sub-Committee, we will complete our due diligence checks and, if required, further contact may be made with the applicant for clarification,

  • During the consideration we may request a meeting/site visit with the applicant to review the application details or to clarify our queries thereon,

  • After inspection if considered appropriate the application will be submitted to teh Spifox Too Committee for final approval. If time is pressing this step can be processed without awaiting a further formal Committee meeting.

  • NO BINDING COMMITMENT BY SPIFOX TOO IS MADE until the Beneficiaries Sub-Committee has approved such and the grant letter sent by email.


This offer of grant will include the amount to be provided together with the timing, terms and conditions applying to the grant.


The offer will be conditional on our available funds, the Spifox Too decision will be final.


Throughout the process you will receive contact from your appointed Spifox Too Committee member. Should you have any questions during this process please email any of our Beneficiaries Committee, current members being outlined below:


  • Cara Henderson

  • Claire McGinley

  • Euan Taylor



2. Spifox Project Criteria


Projects must fall within the Spifox Too key intent, which is to assist disadvantaged children and young people in Scotland by enabling the purchase of capital items of equipment to assist our beneficiaries in better performing their function.


If a project is a physical, tangible asset, of a permanent nature the following must apply:


  • Ideally have a minimum predicted life-span of five years, be non-transferable and of a permanent nature. (Special consideration may be given to funding life-enhancing/medical treatment equipment if it can be shown that the useable life of such equipment is likely to be at least five years). Our discretion is absolute, and final,​

  • Must have a clearly defined project brief to include detail on the project need and objectives,

  • Spifox Too cannot consider support for items of a “revenue“ nature, eg salaries, wages, administration costs or ongoing overheads.





  • The project must enhance and support the lives of children and young people who are disadvantaged physically, mentally, economically or socially,

  • The project must work directly with children and young people and have a positive influence on their lives from the activities, service, or facility provided,

  • The beneficiaries must be located in Scotland and be a registered Charity,

  • Spifox Too are unable to support applications from individuals.


Grant Amount (inc VAT)


  • There is neither a minimum nor a maximum grant level although we generally look to provide support between £1,000 to £7,000,

  • The Spifox Too contribution may be up to 100% of the cost, though beneficiary organisations will be encouraged, where practicable, to raise a proportion from other sources, or themselves,

  • For small projects a spend of less than £1,000 may be approved if it can be shown that without Spifox Too assistance the project would not go ahead.


Payment Schedule


Spifox Too would normally expect to make funds available via a single payment to the applicant organisation upon receipt of confirmation that the project procurement has been completed in line with the grant application and confirmed with Suppliers invoices to the applicant. In exceptional cases phased payments may be made by agreement between the parties.

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